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Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

untuk di renungkan

Dari kegagalan kita dapat membaca apa yang salah dari diri kita. Berusaha dan berdoa hanya itulah kuncinya.

"Pria ingin menjadi cinta pertama seorang wanita. Wanita ingin menjadi cinta terakhir seorang pria." Betul, atau tidak? :)

Jangan takut mencoba hal yang baru, gapailah impianmu. Tapi ingatlah, tak peduli kemana kamu pergi, KELUARGA tempat kamu kembali.

Belajarlah mengucap syukur dari hal-hal baik di hidupmu. Belajarlah menjadi kuat dari hal-hal buruk di hidupmu.

Tak ada yang sempurna, berhentilah mencarinya. Jika seseorang mengerti dan mencintai kamu apa adanya, kamu dan dia pantas bersama.

Task Descriptive Text


Elephant is one of the biggest animal in the world. This animal is from Africa.

Elephant has a big body. Its color is grey. It has four legs. And its legs are very big and very strong. Elephant has two wide ears. Elephant has two eyes that the eyes are black and small enough. It has a trunk, and the trunk is long. Elephant has two long/pointed tooth and the name is tusk. And this tusk, trunk and legs can be a weapon of elephant use to defense it self from the other animal. And elephant has a short tail.

Elephant is a herbivore. It like to eat some plants such as grass, small trees, leaves, etc. Because elephant is a big animal so it need to eat so much food to fill its need, and elephant like so much to eat. Elephant is a tame animal. But if it become to angry it can become a dangerous animal.